Leadership Catalyst for
Narcissistic Abuse Survivors

Our proven process to break your trauma bond, extract your trauma, and rewrite your subconscious scripts gets you complete and lasting results
– – fast.

Do you feel like you’re stuck in Groundhog’s Day?

You mustered up all the strength that you had to leave one abusive relationship, only to find yourself in the next. 

It seems you have “narcissist target” written on your forehead. Suddenly, they’re everywhere –new friends, business partners, employees, and romantic partners. 

Plus, you’re still battling the lack of confidence, lack of motivation, indecision, and chronic physical symptoms that keep you from truly moving forward – to realizing your fullest potential. 

You’re not alone. Most people stop here, accepting this is as good as it gets. Thankfully, there’s another way. And if you’re willing to invest in yourself, we can help you get there faster than you’d ever imagined.

As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, you know stress, chaos, and adversity all too well. When you become antifragile, you leverage your experience to springboard into the future you desire.

A Full Suite of Services

For Leaders Who Want to Become Antifragile 

Life is about more than surviving. Resiliency isn’t the end of the journey. The key to rewriting your experience of narcissistic abuse is to become antifragile – through adversity, you gain.  And between our proven processes, coaching, consulting, trauma release, and personal development, we’ve got you covered – whether you want to take your time or achieve results – yesterday.

Why Choose Dr Melissa and
Team Antifragile?

You are not meant to stay stuck.
With us there is no “as good as it gets.”
The sky’s the limit.

The solution won’t be found in the mind. The mind can only take you 50% of the way on the healing journey. More therapy cannot take you further.
We can.

The trauma bond is larger than you know. Others work on the tip of the iceberg. Our proven process dives beneath the surface to get to the root – in hours.

Extracting your trauma is key. Why relive it or reprocess it when you can painlessly extract it? We can.

Fast results. Our proven process takes you from stuck to free in weeks to months, not months to years.

different hues of color of the sky


It’s the mistakes you aren’t aware of
that cost you the most…

Meet Dr. Melissa Kalt, MD

Dr Melissa is a Trauma Expert, Master Healer, Soul Strategist, and Antifragile Narcissist Survivor. She guides leaders struggling with the long term after effects of narcissistic abuse to finally and completely heal. By extracting their trauma and connecting them to the truth of who they are, she brings life back into their being – inspiring infinite possibilities.

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What They’re Saying…

*Work with Team Antifragile is elite and discreet.
Names are reserved or abbreviated for privacy.

Entering the Antifragile Program saved my sanity.

“Entering the Antifragile program saved my sanity. I have been in therapy most of my life but at no time did I learn about my own unconscious scripts. The voice that whispers you’re not good enough.

— Amazing Woman*
Senior Operations Manager, Civil Engineer, Pacific NW

I am focused, fun, and full of joy. My kids are giving me looks like ”What happened to Mom?”

“Before joining the Antifragile program, I had extreme fear and panic . . . During the program, I identified my subconscious false core beliefs, as well as some of my daughter’s, that have developed throughout our entire life. . .

— Incredible Woman*
Medical Professional | Midwest

Dr Melissa came into my life at my breaking point, and it changed my life.

“When I found Dr Melissa, I was really hurt. I was devastated because I’d never had anybody do something like that to me before. It really bothered me. I guess in some ways it made me feel insecure. The shame I felt from being taken advantage of… I was just constantly hurt.

I’m used to logic and math. To me, feelings fall in the same category as creativity…and I can’t draw stick figures. My emotions had always been fine with me until the narc, and then it was like complete turmoil… like being in a fog.

— Awesome Man*
Senior Leader, Financial Industry, Southeast

Our most popular free resources . . .

Leaders, it’s time to say goodbye to indecision,
and INTUITIVELY LEAD without second-guessing,
over-thinking, or self-doubt.

It’s time to become antifragile.